2 min read

#12 | 1:1 Consultations | The Art of Managing Chaos

  1. Personal:
Book a 1:1 Call with Me via Intro.co

Remember I was collecting money for a little girl's operation and giving advice for donations? More people wanted this than I thought, so I joined a great platform, Intro.co.

You can book a call with me there (or become an expert yourself). Look at it here.

  1. App:

Let me share with you not one but several favourite apps for effortless and punchy writing.

  • Grammarly: makes AI writing convenient. Work smarter with personalized AI guidance and text generation on any app or website
  • Hemingway App: highlights unnecessary words and tells me to fix writing more concise 
  • Notion (yes, surprise, surprise): I love their AI feature and often use it for writing.
  • ChatGPTa superb
  1. Media:

I came across this book after a conversation with one of the investors. We had a profound chat about what matters in life, how to live a simple yet fulfilling life, and how to establish your boundaries. We also discussed how to navigate all of the white noise in life and at work.

This legendary underground classic contains absolutely everything worth knowing about absolutely anything. Discordianism is the religion for these screwed-up times, and Principia Discordia reveals it here for your enlightenment, confusion and entertainment.
  • The Gentlemen on Netflix: I must admit, I watched nearly all 8 episodes in one sitting over the weekend. It's really good, and I highly recommend it.
  1. Events:

I can share some entertainment events, but since it's all about the upcoming bull run in the crypto markets right now, here are some industry events you might want to visit:

Fun Events

As always, I'm excited to hear your feedback on Instagram (@yana_pretiosum) or Twitter (@yana_vc). Do you have a favourite bullet point from above? Or perhaps you have some other cool suggestions? I can't wait to hear from you!

Have a wonderful week ahead,
