5 min read

#20 | Curiosity in Life and Business | ADHD Apps | CEO Book to Read


Most of the breakthrough discoveries and remarkable inventions throughout history, from flints for starting a fire to self-driving cars, have something in common: They are the result of curiosity. HBS

I have always been inquisitive since I was a child. Learn a new language? Take math, acting, or digital marketing classes? Yes, please!

Sometimes, my curiosity was perceived negatively, as if I were "not serious," because I was curious about many things simultaneously. That's why I ended up being a VC :-)

Side note* I always accomplished my goals due to discipline and clear priorities. Yet, I firmly believe that being curious and having a desire to learn new things always puts you at the top of the game! You would be surprised how few people want to know "new tricks." But staying curious and hungry are excellent qualities!

"People can offer you help, but curiosity and drive come from within—you have to ignite these yourself. If you lack these, all the information and opportunities in the world won't mean much. It’s crucial to discover what truly inspires you, as not every pursuit will spark your curiosity or drive. Remember, while there are many paths to success, all include these two essential ingredients. What will you find that lights your fire and keeps it burning?"

Curiosity means being open to new possibilities. If you're curious, you won't fall into "confirmation bias." This is when people only pay attention to facts that back up their existing beliefs. They ignore anything that doesn't fit in with what they've already decided. Confirmation bias can cause problems, especially in business. It can hold back growth and stop people from finding innovative solutions because they can't see beyond their first thoughts.

So, go and explore new things. If you have something you've always dreamt of trying, why not do it now?!


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that changes how people behave. It has three main types:

  • Inattentive
  • Hyperactive-Impulsive
  • Combined

Inattentive people often struggle to focus, finish tasks, and stay organized. Hyperactive-impulsive people can have problems with moving too much and controlling their impulses. "Combined" means someone has both inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms of ADHD.

While using apps might not be a usual way to treat ADHD, apps can offer tools to help manage daily activities or routines.

  • Inflow: is designed to help users understand more about ADHD and their actions. This understanding can lead to improved focus, productivity, and emotional control. Inflow can be a valuable tool for those trying to understand the roots of their behaviour.
  • Routinery: This app helps you handle everyday tasks and build routines. It's designed to boost productivity and focus in all areas of life. Routinery offers tools for managing ADHD symptoms, such as to-do lists and habit trackers. It also provides timers, habit suggestions, and motivational messages. The app supports all types of habits, even simple ones like drinking a bit of water every morning.
  • Todoist: To-Do List & Planner (I love it!) This is a helpful app for organizing tasks. It reminds you to complete your to-dos and tracks your progress. You can easily create and edit tasks, set recurring due dates, and link them with other tools like your calendar and email. It also offers ready-to-use templates for different events like weddings or trips. You can set priority levels for your tasks too.
  • Tiimo - Visual Daily Planner. This daily VISUAL planner can make a big difference in your life. It's designed for people with ADHD, Autism, dyslexia, and anyone who learns differently. If you find it hard to keep time or want to visualize your day better, I suggest you try it.


Wrapping up "Play Nice but Win" by Michael Dell. You can buy it HERE.

Play Nice But Win tells the exciting story of Dell Technologies: its creation, development, and transformation. Michael Dell discusses the company's ups and downs, how the industry changed quickly, and how he founded the company. I enjoy reading business biographies because they teach a lot about what made certain people successful and how they created companies and offer valuable leadership insights.

Highly recommended!

My Favourite Quotes:

  • “If you want to sustain excellence over a long time, you'd better come up with a system that works well. Anyone can sprint for a little while, but you can't sprint for forty years.”
  • “Sometimes it's better not to ask-or to listen-when tell you something can't be done. I didn't ask for permission or approval. I just went ahead and did it.”
  • “People have often told us that what we wanted to do couldn’t be done. Our success is due, in part, to not just an ability but a willingness to look at things differently. I believe opportunity is part instinct and part immersion—in an industry, a subject, or an area of expertise. Dell is proof that people can learn to recognize and take advantage of opportunities that others are convinced don’t exist.”
  • “It's not enough to hire to fill a job. It's not even enough to hire on the basis of one's talents. You have to hire based upon a candidate's potential to grow and develop.”
  • “As you start your journey, the first thing you should do is throw away that store-bought map and begin to draw your own.”


There are plenty of upcoming tech events across Europe/US in May/June!

I'm Yana, crafting this awesome newsletter every Sunday in my spare time. Support my writing by becoming a paid subscriber here for the price of a coffee.

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