#30 | Visual Learning | Thank You Notes | Anxiety Free | Conferences 2024


Today, I want to discuss the importance of thank-you notes. While it might seem like a given, I've realized that not many people actually take the time to send them.

While some people naturally have higher emotional intelligence (EQ), expressing gratitude should be something we all explicitly discuss and practice.

So many relationships could be strengthened if people took the time to appreciate each other's efforts.

Often, we thank people mentally but never actually communicate it.

Remember, everyone wants and needs to feel valued.

This week, think about those who made a difference in your life, whether they uplifted you, helped you at work, or simply did a great job at the workplace. Take a moment to send them a thank you note.

Make it a habit to send thank you notes more often. Everyone wants to feel appreciated. I always send a thank you note or something nice after a great event to show my appreciation. It's my way of saying, "I appreciate your invitation. You are great."


Imprint: Learn Visually

This app is a true gem if you are like me—a visual learner. I discovered it this week, and it is AMAZING.

All those popular books you always wanted to read are in short, visual form—so you can learn concepts faster and retain them in your memory.

From philosophy to psychology to history and business, leadership - they have it all covered😄

To Read:

Many of our close ones silently struggle with anxiety and sleep issues, often more than we realize. To cope, some turn to Xanax or alcohol despite the risks. These struggles are more common than they seem, usually hidden behind closed doors. Raising awareness and fostering open conversations can reduce stigma and encourage healthier coping methods.

I loved the two following descriptions of anxiety:

  • Anxiety is a fear of uncertainty


  • Anxiety = fear + uncertainty

As simple as that.

No one can be 100% certain, but how can you train yourself to operate in an uncertain environment and make decisions under various circumstances?

Recommended Book Collection:

Anxiety Is Unavoidable: Suffering Is Optional

Once you stop feeding the monkey, there are no limits to how expansive your life can feel. This book will show you how anxiety can only continue as long as you try to avoid it. And, paradoxically, only by seeking out and confronting the things that make you anxious can you reverse the cycle that keeps your fears alive.

Highly sensitive people are often very bright and creative, but many suffer from low self-esteem. They are not 'neurotics' as they have been labelled for so long. However, high sensitivity can lead them to cease to engage with the outside world.

Do you feel overwhelmed by your thoughts? Are you struggling with anxiety about your daily tasks? The truth is that we all experience the occasional negative thought. But if you always feel overwhelmed, you need to examine closely how these thoughts negatively impact your lifestyle.

The solution is to practice specific mindfulness techniques that create more "space" in your mind to enjoy inner peace and happiness. With these habits, you'll have the clarity to prioritize what's most important in your life, what no longer serves your goals, and how you want to live on a daily basis. And that's what you'll learn in decluttering your mind.

This book teaches you how to heal and grow without all the outside noise. Ultimately, it makes you realize that it is you who holds the solution.


Summer is usually quiet, so it's a great time to plan for the rest of 2024.

If you're an investor, a founder, or want to be one, you can map out the conferences you want to visit.

Find the list of all the tech conferences in 2024 HERE. Let me know if you can't access it.

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I'm Yana, founder of Pretiosum [Pretty Awesome] Ventures. We back amazing B2B founders at the seed stage in the US/Europe. I use my experience to support and invest in the next wave of founders building companies that close gaps for big businesses.

I pour my heart into crafting this awesome newsletter every Sunday in my spare time. Love what you read? Support my writing by becoming a paid subscriber for the price of a coffee. Subscribe here!

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