2 min read

#14 | Making Friends Wherever You Go | Budget Planner


I travel a lot for work and part of my job is to know a lot of awesome people. While this quality comes naturally to some, others may find it extremely difficult.

Some have a stigma around "networking". For these people, it means attending business events, collecting business cards, and immediately asking for something. In reality, it's about making friends wherever you go, forming deep connections, making introductions, offering help, giving back, providing advice, and learning from each other.

So, how do you start building your network?

  1. Set the goal. It could be: "In the next month, I want to meet X people per week in London/Dubai/Dublin" or any other city you plan to move to.
  2. Start with referrals. Ask your friends or colleagues for 1-2 referrals. Meet those new people. Take notes. Follow-up on your conversations with some action points. And ask for new referrals.
  3. What should be in your follow-up note? A great draft was published in the book I recommended earlier, "Million Dollar Weekend"

Hi X,
Quick thanks for meeting with me. You = awesome.
Here are 3 epic lessons I took away from our chat:
- Look into haptics - etc.
- Quote
- Companies to watch are: X, Y, Z

I’m curious: Are there 1-2 people you believe I should meet?

Thanks again.

  1. Get more referrals. Repeat.


I want to share more about various app stacks, so we'll be discussing "all crypto stack" or "all security stack" in future editions.

Today, I'm sharing a spending app that rapidly expanded in the UK, US, and Canada.

Emma is a budget planning tracker used by 1.6 million+ people.

  • Set budgets and track spending
  • Improve your credit history
  • Cancel subscriptions you never use but keep paying for
  • Start saving
  • Cashback
  • Accumulate your net worth

I love this app because it has very cool visual analytics, it's simple to use, and you can consolidate all your bank accounts in one place and track them all;)


  • I recently discovered a terrific newsletter - it's all about the business and money behind sports. If you're like me, interested in what's happening behind the scenes, check out the newsletter here.
This book elaborates the various communication styles based on the following three elements:
"What´s this really about?"
"How do we feel?"
"Who are we?"




I'm Yana, and I write this newsletter in my free time every Sunday. I strive to find amazing content that will add value for you. If you want to support my writing, you can join me here as a paid subscriber.

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