#3 | WEF Insights | Meditation Apps | New Netflix Show
The WEF starts tomorrow. Reach out to our @pretiosumvc team if you are in Davos!
- Personal:
I will be brief today, but I came across these two quotes on Instagram that I'd like to share with you. That's how I'd describe The January Blues!
Part II
But I am still keeping up with my 2024 resolutions: no sugar and 18 gym sessions per month ;-)
- App:
My subscriptions to Calm and Headspace have ended, and I also tried the "Waking Up" app by Sam Harris last year. I paid for this as part of my "meditation" responsibilities but barely used it.
My latest find is the "Open" app. It offers breathing techniques, daily meditation, sound healing, and daily exercise - sounds like a solid combination! As a bonus, each session ends with an inspiring quote.
- Media:
On a recent long-haul flight, I caught up on admin tasks and watched 'Society on the Snow' on Netflix. The film deeply moved me. Watching it in Spanish was a bonus, helping to refresh my language skills.
“There is this message that says that when everything has been taken from someone, you still have a chance of deciding what to do—why do you want to live? For whom do you want to die?
“Some say it was a tragedy. Others call it a miracle.” – Young man
As always, I look forward to receiving your suggestions and feedback to improve this newsletter further.